Last Saturday I found the cutest little kitty at my shop, Objects Of Affection! I have named him Affection, because of where he was found and because he is also a little lover! I have thought about keeping him; however, my husband is allergic and I think that my daughter might me allergic too. My dog Indy is not to keen on me keeping him either...she is very jealous. I have another cat, Thomas, he lives outside and I am afraid if I put the kitten outside with him he would not be so happy either! I've asked several of my friends if they would take him, but they already have lots of kittens on their farms and ranches. So if you live in Colorado (or know of someone in Colorado), or western Kansas, and would like to give this kitty a good home please let me know!

Awww...so cute! I wish I lived closer so I could scoop him up and bring him home! As a side note, the word verification on this comment is "meodw"...interestingly close to meow, but i digress... :)
i wish you were closer to, she still needs a home! :)
Just to update everyone...I found a wonderful home for Affection! yay! :)
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