First Row Left to Right:Mario Ghost Clown $15 -
www.JunkerJane.etsy.comBaby Squirrel $24 -
www.EnnaDesignShop.etsy.comCustom Fox Toy $68 -
www.birdandlittlebird.etsy.comRomeo the Owl $24 -
www.plantsandanimals.etsy.comSecond Row Left to Right:A Kind of Chicken $48-
www.OdeliaLa.etsy.comTall Buck $48 -
www.TheHandworkGroup.etsy.comHorse No. 6 $65 -
www.penguinandfish.etsy.comBacon $25 -
www.tiddlywinks.etsy.comThird Row Left to Right:Spoonik the Monster $17 -
www.gush4plush.etsy.comPeanut Butter and Jelly $8.50 -
www.Pumpkinpye517.etsy.comMilo the Teacher $26.50 -
www.knittingdreams.etsy.comBluet the Wafting Wildflower $24 -
AWW! Thank you so much for including my pb&j plush! This wish list is absolutely adorable!!!! XD
I'm honored to be among so many talented plush makers :)
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